
Our commitment is to make this website accessible, in accordance with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of September 7, on accessibility of public sector websites and applications for mobile devices.

This website is partially compliant with RD 1112/2018 due to the exceptions and non-compliance of the aspects indicated in the following point.

The content below might not be accessible due to the following:
There could be some aspects of contrast that do not meet the required minimums,.¡ with respect to adjacent background colors.
There may be some non-textual elements that are not labeled correctly.
Search engines search automatically without the need to order any action by the user.
There could be some texts in another language that are not labeled correctly.
There could be punctual code editing errors in some web pages.
There could be office files in PDF or other published formats that do not fully meet all accessibility requirements. Although we have tried to ensure that most of them do comply.

The method used to prepare the statement has been a self-assessment carried out by the web developer.

You can make communications about accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a of RD 1112/2018) such as:
– Report any possible non-compliance by this website.
– Transmit other difficulties in accessing the content
– Formulate any other query or suggestion for improvement related to the accessibility of the website.

You may submit:
– Complaint regarding compliance with the requirements of RD 1112/2018 or.
– Request for Accessible Information relating to:
Contents that are excluded from the scope of application of RD 1112/2018 as established by Article 3, paragraph 4.
Contents that are exempt from compliance with the accessibility requirements because they impose a disproportionate burden.
In the Request for accessible information, the facts, reasons and request must be clearly specified to establish that it is a reasonable and legitimate request.

If, once a request for accessible information or complaint has been made, it has been rejected, the person concerned does not agree with the decision taken, or the response does not meet the requirements set forth in article 12.5, the person concerned may initiate a complaint. A complaint may also be initiated if the twenty working day period has elapsed without a response.
The claim may be submitted through the Generic Instance of the Electronic Headquarters of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation , as well as in the other options included in Law 39/ 2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations. Claims will be received and processed by the Deputy Directorate General for Services Inspection of the Ministry.

This portal is designed to be able to change the text size and color, as well as the background of the page using the standard configuration options of the browsers.
If you wish to change the font size of the text in the main graphic browsers use the following menus:
– Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Firefox: View > Text Size
– Opera: View > Zoom
– Safari: View > Make text larger
– Chrome: Control the current page > Text Size
– To change the size of everything on the page:
– Ctrl + + to increase it
– Ctrl + – to decrease it
– Ctrl + 0 restores the original text size.
– If you want to override the stylesheet or change the color of the text, you can consult the WAI’s How to Change Text Size or Colors page, which can be read in English at How to change the text size or colors?